Compra a Prop

  1. Ilustration
  2. Visual Identity

Ilustration project for the "Barcelona mai s’atura – Compra a prop" campaign for the Barcelona City Council. This campaign aims to promote local commerce in the city and raise awareness about the importance of supporting neighborhood businesses over large e-commerce platforms.
For the graphic proposal, three emblematic businesses were chosen: a greengrocer, a bakery, and a florist, through a symbolic element of shopping: “bags”. Each business is associated with a different type of bag reinforcing the message of conscious and sustainable consumption.

The illustrations were hand-drawn and later vectorized, maintaining a handcrafted stroke to convey warmth and proximity. The campaign was adapted to different formats, ensuring coherence and visibility across all platforms.

© 2024 Celina Garufi. Barcelona.
Diseñando mientras el mundo duerme, con mate en mano.